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Ross Anderson's Home Page
2024-04-24 · 75 min [Research] [Blog] [Videos] [Politics] [My Book] [Music] [Seminars] [Contact Details] Machine Learning needs Better Randomness Standards: Randomised Smoothing and PRNG-based attacks shows that the randomness tests long used to check random number generators for use in cryptograp
The Microsoft Dilemma Europe as a Software Colony documentario completo
2024-04-14 · 9 min The Microsoft-Dilemma - Europe as a Software Colony - documentario completo [embedded content]Quest'oggi vi suggerisco di guardare un interessante documentario indipendente dal titolo The Microsoft-Dilemma - Europe as a Software Colony. Il documentario, realizzato nel 2018 dai g
Il ddl sul sequestro dei cellulari: intervista a Roberto Scarpinato
2024-04-11 · < 1 min CondividiIniziaPuoi selezionare il secondo di avvio del contenuto che vuoi condividere. Posiziona il player nel punto in cui vuoi avviare la selezione e poi premi la spunta di Inizia. Il sistema aggiorna automaticamente i link da condividere in base alla tua scelta.TerminaPu
Radio. Ascolto eterogeneo in streaming è pieno di sorprese. Gugliotta (Xdevel) ne svela diverse: da Google ad Amazon passando per Radioplayer Newslinet
2024-03-20 · 11 min Stampa Gugliotta (Xdevel): Ripartizione ascolto streaming vede dispositivi mobili al 50% (anche grazie all’automotive), desktop al 30%, smart speaker al 15% e smart tv al 5%.La scelta di Google di bloccare le actions (un anno fa), spostando l’enfasi sulla collaborazione con
Air Canada dovrà risarcire un cliente che aveva ricevuto informazioni fuorvianti da un chatbot Il Post
2024-02-18 · 2 min Dopo che inizialmente aveva cercato di non assumersi la responsabilità delle informazioni fornite dall'assistente virtualeCaricamento playerAir Canada, la principale compagnia aerea canadese, dovrà risarcire un cliente che aveva ricevuto informazioni ingannevoli da un chatbot d
Docs | Whimsical
2024-01-08 · < 1 min FeaturesMarkdown ShortcutsDrag-and-DropShortcut MenuFocus ModeMultiplayerWork solo or make it a party 🥳  Docs can handle the whole crew. Live cursors ftw!Everything you need in a table: sorting, drag-and-drop, rich content, and more.Enjoy the power of having text and vis
Mobile reverse engineering to empower the gig economy workers and labor unions
2024-01-05 · 1 min Claudio Agosti and Gaetano PrioriEthics, Politics & SocietyPlaylists:'37c3' videos starting here/audio[]( will outline five years of experience linking trade unions, gig economy workers, GDPR and mobile app reverse engineering. Goal: to
2023-12-29 · 3 min Balabolka is a Text-To-Speech (TTS) program. All computer voices installed on your system are available to Balabolka. The on-screen text can be saved as an audio file. The program can read the clipboard content, extract text from documents, customize font and background colour, c
AI is about to completely change how you use computers
2023-12-25 · 232 min Personal Information CancelSave This email is already registeredCancelSavePlease verify email address. Click verification link sent to this email address or resend verification email. CancelSave Account DeactivationClick the link below to begin the account deactivation proces
2023-12-15 · < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
2023-12-01 · 1 min Your Windows Powerhouse SuiteObject Desktop allows you to organize, create, control, and customize.Get started >>Join the Battleplayers can battle for galactic dominance in our ultimate 4X real-time strategy game, Sins of a Solar Empire II.See for yourself >>Announce
Getting Started Rainmeter Docs
2023-12-01 · 3 min If this is your first experience with Rainmeter, then you're in the right place! Getting Started is a guide designed to walk you through the basics of setting up Rainmeter, using, customizing, and ultimately creating your own skins.Before you begin, here are some frequently-asked

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Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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